UPPSC Medical Officer Recruitment 2019, UPPSC MO Vacancies 2019:- UPPSC Medical Officer Recruitment 2019 is released on the official site. All the interested and eligible aspirants of UPPSC Medical officer jobs 2019 must apply with the required eligibility before 18th June 2019.
At all of the interested and dynamic candidates are going to apply for UPPSC recruitment 2019 of medical officer post. Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) invites applications from all of desire aspirants to fill up various posts around great no vacancy of medical officer online only. No other mode will be accepted by commission to apply for post of UPPSC medical officer recruitment 2019.
So, it is suggested to all of you that go at official website of UP state commission to fill online application form of UPPSC 2019 for medical officer posts. Before going to apply for UPPSC medical officer 2019 recruitment contenders must to read out complete official notification available at below for post of UPPSC 2019 for medical officer.
We are here mentioning all information regarding UPPSC MO Recruitment 2019 like qualification, age limit, selection procedure, syllabus, dates etc. for visitors of our website.
UPPSC Medical Officer Recruitment 2019, UPPSC MO Vacancies 2019
- Exam holding body: UPPSC, 2019
- Exam name: Medical Officer Recruitment
- Number of posts : 1105
- Official website:
- Job location: Uttar Pradesh state
Essential Criteria for UPPSC Allopathic officer post 2019:-
Education: :All of aspirants must to have M.B.B.S. Degree, Post Graduate Degree, Diploma in Medical or Health Science in specific stream for affiliated medical degree college.
All of applicants should have acquired minimum age 21 years and maximum age 40 years old. Relaxation in age will be provided as per rules of UP govt. state and state clearly in UPPSC Allopathic Medical Officer Recruitment 2019.
Selection Procedure:
To reduce total no. of applied students to the required notified no. of students’ aspirants are shortlisted based on performance in written test, skill test and interview round? Selection will be done on prepared merit list of written test, skill test and interview.
Application fees:
Application fees should be deposited through E – challan in any branch of SBI bank. A sum of rupees which are required to pay by contenders before going to sit in exam of UPPSC allopathic medical officer recruitment 2019 is as follows:
- General and OBC category belongings candidates should to be pay Rs. 105/- only
- SC/ST category belongings candidates required to be deposit sum of Rs. 65/- only
Important dates to be remember:
- Initial date to submit online application form: 18th May 2019
- End date to submit online application form: 18th June 2019
- End date to deposit application fees: 18th June 2019.
Apply for allopathic medical officer vacancies through UPPSC 2019:
To apply all of you interested applicants need to visit official website as mentioned above. And follow the instructions as provided by our team below:
- First of all go to official web site of UPPSC recruitment 2019 :
- Click on the apply online for allopathic medical officer post link
- Go with the presented application form and fill all of required details as correctly as possible.
- Pay the application fees as per your belonging category
- Submit final application form after payment on or before due date