ITI Result 2019 Semester Exam, ITI SCVT NCVT Result 2019 States Wise

ITI Result 2019 Semester Exam, ITI SCVT Result 2019, ITI NCVT Result 2019 All States : Most of ITI Diploma and polytechnic programs entrance exam are conducted successfully at various exam centers. Those students are appearing or appeared in these exams they can bookmark this page where you will get latest updates.

ITI Semester exam result is announced state wise for all diploma / polytechnic exams. State wise semester exam for ITI Diploma polytechnic exam result has been declared online. इस परीक्षा में दिखाई देने वाले सभी छात्र, वे अपने आईटीआई डिप्लोमा सेमेस्टर परीक्षा परिणाम के परिणाम देख सकते हैं वे यहां जांच सकते हैं। इस पोस्ट में हमने आईटीआई सेमेस्टर परीक्षा परिणाम का विवरण अपडेट किया है। Industrial Training Institute (ITI) is technical training institute which aims are to provide the training to the talented people and make them skilled in the technical field. These ITI’s are divided are divided according to their state.

This year the council had conducted the ITI Exam 2019 in various trades. The exam of all ITI can be different. SO you can check the ITI Result 2019 State Wise also. For this you have to choose your state and then you can easily check your ITI Diploma Semester Exam Result 2019. All ITI polytechnic and diploma semester exam result state wise are updated here.  ITI semester diploma exam result has been announced state wise.

ITI Semester exam results 2019 have announced online.  These institutes are affiliated to the National Council of Vocational Trades. The council organizes the ITI Exam every year in the country. Lots of eligible and talented candidates appeared in these exams. The council conducts these exams twice is a year. One in January/February and second in August/September 2019. The ITI Exam is organized for the 1 to 6 semesters. This time the ITI Diploma Semester Exam Result 2019 will come for the January Exam 2019.

The exam that is organized in the January related to the for 1, 3  and 5 semester and the exam organized in August is related to the 2, 4 and 6 semester respectively. The aspirants who had appeared in the exam can check their ITI Diploma Result 2019 from the official site of it.

ITI Result 2019 Semester Exam, ITI SCVT NCVT Result All States Wise :

  • Organization Name: – National Council of Vocational Trades
  • Name of Exam: – Industrial Training Institute Exam
  • Posts Name: – Various Trades
  • Semester Number: – 1 to 6 Semester
  • Category type: – Result
  • Official site: –

Steps to find the ITI Result 2019:-

  • Surf the official site of it that is
  • Go the result section.
  • On home page find the link that is ITI Diploma Semester Exam Result 2017.
  • Choose your state.
  • A form will be opened.
  • Fill your enrollment no and password in it for the result.
  • Hits on submit.
  • Result will be opened in front of you.
  • Check your details in it.
  • Take the print out of the result for future.

ITI Semester Exam Marksheets 2019:

Students can download their markseet from the official website of ITI departments. Here we have updated details about the state wise results of ITI NCVT SCVT Exams with official website.

State wise ITI Engineering Diploma Result 2019

Name of Result Official website OF ALL states ITI department
AP ITI Semester Result
Assam ITI Semester Result
Bihar ITI Semester Result
Chhattisgarh ITI Semester Result
Chandigarh ITI Semester Result
Delhi ITI Semester Result
Goa ITI Semester Result
Gujarat ITI Semester Result
Haryana ITI Semester Result
HP ITI Semester Result
Jharkhand ITI Semester Result
J&K ITI Semester Result
Karnataka ITI Semester Result
Kerala ITI Semester Result
Maharashtra ITI Semester Result
MP ITI Semester Result
Meghalaya ITI Semester Result
Manipur ITI Semester Result
Mizoram ITI Semester Result
Nagaland ITI Semester Result
Odisha ITI Semester Result
Punjab ITI Semester Result
Rajasthan ITI Semester Result
Sikkim ITI Semester Result
Tamilnadu ITI Semester Result
Telangana ITI Semester Result
Tripura ITI Semester Result
UP ITI Semester Result
Uttarakhand ITI Semester Result
West Bengal ITI Semester Result