SSC JE Exam 2019-20 Preparation Tips, SSC JE Study Plan 2020

SSC JE Exam 2019-20 Preparation Tips:  Are you applying for SSC JE Exam 2019????  Here in this article we will share few tips, which are surely going to help you to prepare in a better way. There will be 2 papers in the common entrance test of the SSC Junior Engineer Exam Tips. One of them will be online, which will only contain objective type of questions and the offline mode paper will hold conventional type of questions. Candidates can only appear in the second paper if they clear the first one.

SSC JE Exam 2019-20 Preparation Tips

Approximately 1000 vacancies are there in various government departments, more opportunities in a civil sector this time and few for electrical and mechanical engineers too. In few of the posts not only engineers but also diploma holders with working experience can apply.

How To Prepare For SSC JE Exam 2019

  • SSC JE Paper-1:- Online paper will carry 3 parts (A) General Intelligence and Reasoning (B) General Awareness (C) General Engineering. (A) and (B), which are compulsory will hold 50 marks each and General Engineering will contain 100 marks, which will have three parts: part-A (Civil and Structural), part-B (Electrical) and part-C (Mechanical). Candidates need to attempt only one part which is relevant to the applied JE post. There will be negative marking (0.25) for each wrong question and time duration will be 2 hours for paper-1.
  • SSC JE Paper-2:- This offline paper will be completely subjective and will also contain three parts in which candidates again only need to attempt a single part relevant to the applied JE post. It is providing candidates, a chance to score 300 marks in 2 hours.SSC Exam Preparation Tips 2019

Syllabus:- Before starting a preparation of not only SSC JE but any of an exam, your first priority should be syllabus of that exam. It gives the general idea of those topics which are required to be studied and accordingly candidates can make a list of those topics which are needed to focus more or less. Syllabus will also tell you, which topics are quiet familiar to you and which are completely strange for you, so that you can spend your time accordingly.

Plan your Study:- After having a look of syllabus, make your study plan. In which you can start from those topics with which you are more familiar because it won’t take your so much of time to complete and will surely give some confidence for particular topics and by finishing these topics, you can also avoid the fear of not completing anything of your course.

Design your study plan perfectly in which you manage your time according to the topics. Spend more hours on the topics which either you believe are difficult or about which you don’t know anything.

Initiate from Reasoning:- It will be the very first portion of your paper and  you can score from here with not so much of hard work, which will surely boost your confidence, as the course of reasoning is very straight forward. In this part, problems will be related to seating and arrangements, visual puzzle, sequencing etc.

General Awareness is Tricky but Time Saving:- The second part of paper-1 can be the most problematic for the technical students, but the best part of this section is that it is quiet time saving because when you read a question and see the options, you straight away realize that either you know an answer or not. You don’t need to waste your time to solve it, so select an option if you know else just move on to another question.

General Engineering:- The last section of your paper-1 but not at all the least one, as it contains 100 marks which can be scored by just brushing up your engineering course. You only need to revise, what you know.

Don’t Play Guessing Games:- If you have a habit of guessing an answer, then you need to overcome of your this non-professional style. You must be well aware of the fact that all competitive exams carry a negative marking of 0.25 on every wrong answer, so if you are not sure about the correct answer of any of a question then it’s better to leave it.

Working on Handwriting:- Generally when candidates get passed in a first paper of an exam. They try their very best for getting passed in a subjective paper, but what basic mistake they generally do is not working on their hand writing. Hopefully these points will help you to do better, so work bit hard with more smartness.