NPTEL Hall Ticket 2019-20, NPTEL Online Course Admit Card 2020

NPTEL Hall Ticket 2019-20, NPTEL Online Course Admit Card 2020:- NPTEL Exam is updated for April exam. Students those are going to appear in this exam they can download admit card from official website. National Program on Technology Enhanced Learning has announced that the association is going to recruit the interested and eligible candidates for various courses. Those male and female who are willing to participate in the recruitment process and who have submitted their application form successfully will get their admit card of NPTEL 2019 within a few days.

The organization conducts exams of such types every year. This year also the organization is going to conduct exam. The hall tickets for the exam will be given as soon as possible by the organization. Candidates must keep their admit card of NPTEL  admit card 2019 -20 along with them when going for the exam center.

Without the NPTEL Online Course admit card 2019 no candidate will be given permission to sit in the exam hall. Candidate should have valid admit card along with them. The admit card can be downloaded from the NPTEL Association website i.e. Click on link to know more on NPTEL Hall Ticket 2019.

NPTEL Hall Ticket 2019-20, NPTEL Online Course Admit Card 2020

  • Organization Name: National Program on Technology Enhanced Learning
  • Category Name: Admit card
  • Exam Name: NPTEL Online Course Exam
  • Course Name: NPTEL Online Course
  • NPTEL Admit Card/ Hall Ticket Release Date: Available Soon

NPTEL Application start/end dates and exam dates are as follows:  CLICK HERE

NPTEL Exam Dates Details

  • April Exam:  27th and 28th April 2019
  • September Exam: 29th September 2019
  • November Exam dates : 2 November 2019 and 3 November 2019

NPTEL Exam Time List

  • Morning Timings: 9:00 to 12:00 P.M.
  • Afternoon Timings: 2:00 to 5:00 P.M.

Steps to download the NPTEL Admit Card 2019

  • Initially go to the NPTEL website page i.e.
  • Search and click the admit card link in the website
  • Fill the details with proper accuracy
  • Finally click the submit button
  • The NPTEL Hall Ticket will appear in front of you on the screen
  • Download it and take it to the exam hall.

Course Distribution Information

  • 12 Courses of 4 weeks
  • 18 Courses of 8 weeks
  • 36 Courses of 12 weeks

There are in total 66 courses. Therefore, choose wisely the course which you want to complete. The first examination will be in the month of April so the candidates must confirm the details and can download the admit card as soon as possible. Venue and other details are given in the paper itself which you can download.

What is an admit card? An admit card contains name, date of birth, registration number etc of a candidate. A candidate gets the admit card from organization through post, within a week before the exams. A candidate must take the admit card along with him or her to the exam hall before failing. In case a candidate forgets to bring the admit card along with him to the exam hall then he or she will not be allowed to sit in the exam.

NPTEL Result 2019: When the exams will be over, the association will declare with the results. The results will come along with the cut off list and merit list. The candidates with the maximum marks will be on the top position of the merit list and those with fewer marks will be on the bottom position of the merit list. The cut off list will show minimum passing marks a candidate need to clear the exam.